This cake is an example of the type of cakes I enjoy making. It is very simplistic and modern in the details. However, although it appears simple it is very time consuming. I spent several hours a day for about two weeks making the fondant roses. Each one would take up to 30 minutes to complete. My niece asked for a cake that was black and white with red roses flowing down the cake in a curve. I believe I was able to accomodate her request. The cake was made up of five different cake flavors. The bottom tier was marble cake with chocolate and coconut filling. The next tier was red velvet cake with cream cheese filling. The next tier was chocolate with cream cheese filling. It was followed by a strawberry cake with strawberry mousse filling and white cake with caramel cream cheese filling. Aside from these five tiers there was a 16 inch round cake made of yellow cake with tres leches and strawberries. What can I say it was delectable:O!!!